
What is the Draw module and how to set this up

A Draw or a contest is a great way to interest and encourage customers to come in and spend, while offering them great prizes!

The best part about the draw is that it is so simple to set up and fully digital! No need for raffle tickets, taking business cards in a bowl, the business define the rules and kangaroo business portal take care of the rest.


How to set up a Draw?

  • Go to the Business portal.
  • Go to the Draws section.
  •   Click on Create a Draw.
  •  Fill out the simple form to create the draw: add the title , draw type , upload an image …
  • Click on Next.
  • Fill out the quick off date , time , draw date , draw time, maximum claim date and location availability .
  • Click on Manage prizes.
  • Define what the prizes are and fill their criteria to finish customizing your draw.
  • click on Save


Common FAQ about the Draw

  1. Can I have multiple prizes and multiple winners? Yes
  2. What is the "Kick Off Date" and "Kick Off Time"? This is the date and time you would like to start your draw.
  3. What is the "Draw Date" and "Draw Time"? This is the date and time your draw will end and a winner will be selected.
  4. Can I see who has entered and how many times? Yes. In the business portal, go to the Draw section and click on "Draw Participants" and a full list of customers who are participant will be available.