Kangaroo Rewards API language

Developers can build an app using Kangaroo Rewards API in the language of choice. To simplify integrations, Kangaroo Rewards provides REST Server SDKs and samples available on GitHub (in PHP).

The Kangaroo Rewards API uses HTTP methods and a RESTful endpoint structure. The API authorization framework is OAuth 2.0.

Format requests in JSON and the APIs return JSON-formatted responses. Developers can build an app using Kangaroo Rewards API in their language of choice.

To simplify integrations, Kangaroo Rewards provides REST Server SDKs and samples available on Github (in PHP). KangarooRewards-PHP-SDK - the SDK without Oauth2 support (you will need to handle authentication and request an access token using another library, or by making API calls directly to the authentication endpoints) OAuth2 Kangaroo Rewards - the OAuth2

Client for Kangaroo Rewards API REST API sample App - a sample app built in PHP using the SDK: KangarooRewards-PHP-SDK and OAuth2 client: OAuth2 Kangaroo Rewards that helps you to build your app faster.