Merchant App

How to sign up using an Account Number

Customers now have the options to sign up using an account number on the Merchant App and through the sign up link.

  • Enable the Account Number rule by going to the Settings section, Apps and Integrations and then access the Merchant App configurations.
  • The business can include the option of having a prefix number of their own.
  • On the Merchant App, customers will be able to sign up or log in with an account number.
  • The account number will also show in the Profile section of the customer. Note that the account number cannot be edited.
  • If a customer sign up usingan email address or phone number, they have the option to add an account number in the Profile section.
  • Moreover, the account number can is available in the sign up link and referral link.
  • The account number will also show in the customers section for each customer.
  • The business will be also able to seach for a customer by their account number.