Lightspeed Retail

How to make a partial refund on Lightspeed Retail

Make a partial refund on Lightspeed Retail once the original sale is completed.

  • Go to the Sales section on the Lightspeed Retail POS screen.
  • Go to Sales History.
  • Search for the sale that has to be refunded and select the original sale.
  • Click on Refund or exchange.
  • Click on the Refund button next to the item that has to be refunded on the sales screen. The Item is going to be added to the refund tab.
  • Modify the quantity of each item.
  • Proceed with the payment and finish the transaction normally just like any other sale.
  • Points earned from the original sale will automatically be refunded and will be deducted from the customer’s balance.
  • If redemption is applied to the original sale, points will only be returned to the customer’s balance if the whole sale is refunded.
  • In order to check the refund in the business portal  go to the Transaction List in the Dashboard of the Kangaroo’s Business portal and select type Returns to see the refunds.
  • You will be able to see the refund of your choosing and its details by clicking on the eye button.

    N.B: Once the transaction status is changed to a “Refund” the earning points will be deducted from the user balance again.

    In addition, if it's the case of redeeming to benefit from the reward the points will get back to the customer balance.

    If you wish to refund a redemption the sale will have to refunded as well as it cannot be refunded alone.