
How to integrate Kangaroo with Bigcommerce

The following instructions will help you install Kangaroo Rewards into your BigCommerce website. 

Step one: 

  • Log into your BigCommerce Dashboard.
  • Once in the Dashboard, you will go into Apps and then Marketplace. 
  • Once in the Marketplace, search for Kangaroo Rewards. 

Step Two: 

  • Click install and check the terms and conditions confirmation box to proceed with the installation. 

Step Three: 

  • After confirming the installation, click log in if you are an existing business using Kangaroo Rewards or sign up if you are new. 

Step Four: 

  • Use your existing Kangaroo Rewards credentials or your newly created credentials to log in. Once logged in, the installation is complete. 

Step Five:

  • Once the Integration is successful, you will get a success message.
  • Click on "Business Portal" to be redirected to your Kangaroo Business portal's Main Menu.
  • Click on "Business Integration" to be redirected to the integration section of your Kangaroo Business portal.

Final Step:

  • Once in the integration section, You can update your settings and then click on publish to have the widget appear on your Website.