Uber & Amazon Third Partner Reward
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How to set up Fraudulent Activities for Uber and Amazon

Fraudulent Activities feature can help the business identify and prevent fraud before it occurs, minimising losses from fraudulent activity.

  • Go to Kangaroo Rewards business portal.
  • Click on Settings.
  • Click on Security.
  • Scroll down to Fraudulent Activities (Uber or Amazon).
  • To block redemptions for all customers based on amount in dollars check the box as shown below and fill in the information based on your needs.
  • To block redemption for all customers based on amount of requests check the box as shown below and fill in the information based on your needs.
  • To block redemption for all customers based on a single customer exceeding a specific amount in dollars check the box as shown below and fill in the information based on your needs.
  • You can set the time period to be based on minutes, hours, days, weeks and years.
  • When the redemption reaches the limit of fraudulent activity limit, the redemption is failed, and the email will be sent to the configured email address associated with the fraudulent activity.


  • All the values are required except for Notification Interval & Max attempts.
  • Notification Interval means: email is sent every (interval time) when redemption happens, ex: if it's 2, then it will be sent when redemption happens at 1,3,5,7,9... time .
  • Max Attempts: ex if it's 10, then the email won't be sent out after the redemption happens more than 10 times.
  • If any of the other values are empty, and the rule is turned on, you should get an error message.