
How to make a Category/Product point exempt from A la carte on Ecomz

The business can choose to make a category or a product of the inventory point exempt by adding it to the A la Carte.

The business can choose any  product or category/collection from the Inventory and make it point exempt
  • First, the business needs  to make sure that the products are imported into Kangaroo. 
  • Go to the product section of the business portal and click on "import products from Lightspeed Retail" - This is only applicable with some integrations. The inventory might automatically be imported into Kangaroo

Then go to the A la Carte section of the business portal and follow these simple steps:

  • Choose an item or a category from your Inventory
  • Make sure it is in the right side of the screen 
  • Allocate 0 points for that category or product
  • Save