
How to create a redemption catalog on Ecomz

Learn about your redemption catalog for Ecomz

First, go to the Redemption section of the Business Portal

Next, follow the following steps:

  • Click on Create A Redemption.
  • Select the Parameters (Title, Reward Image and Reward Type).
  • Select your Audience.
  • Select your Conditions (Date and points required) and make sure that the Ecom branch is set in the Location Availability.
  • Click on Next then Save.

Once the redemption item is saved, it will appear on the left side of the page.


Changes can also be made to an existing redemption item.

First, go to the Redemption section of the Business Portal

Next, follow the following steps:

  • On the left side, click on the item.
  • Click on edit on the right side.

Finally, when you are done making your changes click on Save

N.B : redemption on category is not available for cash back on Ecomz