
Email Integrations.

Email integrations are the tying together of systems, tools, and software for seamless processes around email marketing.

It allows businesses to unite their email service provider with systems like Kangaroo.

Here are the email marketing platforms Kangaroo integrates with:

  • Mailchimp
  • Constant Contact
  • Klaviyo

These integrations allow the business to segment its customers. Kangaroo offers more than 55 filters they can choose from. Such as time-based filters, spending amount, frequency of visit, product purchased, and other filters.

The business can set up the export once and have it run in the background. All exports can be made recurring on a daily/weekly or monthly basis

Kangaroo exports the list of customers not only based on the chosen filters but also exports more information about customs such as:

  • First name/Last name 
  • User points
  • User referral link
  • User tier status 
  • User amount

The above information will be exported automatically from kangaroo to the email provider.
You can track this list in the email marketing engine section under the audience, segments, tags, or lists.

To conclude, the beauty of integrations is that they allow you to spend less time combing through contacts and yet you will know and understand your audience better, leading to more engagement and better results for your email marketing strategy.

Don’t forget to always refer back to export customers list to an email integration for better deliverability!